11th Annual Village Building Convergence



vbc cityrepair

KBOO is a proud sponsor for CityRepair's 11th Annual Village Building Convergence

This year's theme is Urban Alchemy - Transforming Spaces into Places

May 27th - June 5th

11th Annual VBC in brief: We will come together to create benches, community kiosks, gardens, street paintings, tile mosaics, and more! Come join your neighbors as they bring to life the natural building, permaculture, and public art projects that they’ve been planning for the last 4 months. Learn valuable skills for urban sustainability and social regeneration while celebrating the creativity and diversity of our wonderful city! Read more about the VBC... 

During the day, you will have the opportunity to get involved with creative, community designed placemaking projects happening all over the city. There will be building, gardening, art, and many other fun things to do and great people doing them with you! This aspect of the event is always free.
Read more about the sites...

During the evening everyone will gather at a central venue for a night of wholesome food, presentations by leaders in the forefront of positive change, and exhilirating musical performances from local bands. 9-day tickets for evening events are on sale now for pre-purchase and are available per night at the door. Read more about the evening...


 How to Get Involved

There are many ways to get involved:

1) Volunteer NOW to help plan & coordinate the VBC event (see how our core planning team is organized here). See an overview of opportunities & contact our volunteer team here.

2) Build, paint & learn at neighborhood placemaking sites during VBC.  Check out the community placemaking map for this year's participating sites to see if there are any projects underway near you. Then contact vbcplacemaking@cityrepair.org to be put in contact with the site coordinator.

3) Volunteer for a *worktrade* shift during VBC evening events to help us make this great event possible (and get free access to another evening event)

4) Prepare yourself for Village Building with our free weekly workshop series (ends April 27th)! Find Out More

5) Host a placemaking site next year (2012) in your neighborhood!

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