Back Row (left to right): Michelle J. Singer BS (Navajo), Laura Loudon MS, Patricia Silk Walker PhD (Cherokee), Susan Halada
Front Row (left to right): Douglas Bigelow PhD, R. Dale Walker MD (Cherokee). Not pictured: Ann Kovas, MPH, Jacki Bianconi, MS
Tonight on "Tillicum Wawa: Voices of the People," we will be interviewing Dr. Dale Walker, President of the
Association of American Indian Physiciansand head of the One Sky Center, and Michelle Singer, One Sky Center's communications coordinator.
One Sky Centeris a group that deals with substance abuse and addiction in Indian country.
This will be the first of many health care related programs that "Tillicum Wawa" will be bringing you. Rhonda "Shusli" Baseler has had the idea of doing regular segments on health care in Indian country especially since she is a Registered Nurse. We will continue to develop these ideas into programs that we hope will be able to bring knowledge and connections to the Native and non-Native communities about Native American health issues.
Tillicum Wawa: Voices of the People," is a weekly program that airs on Thursdays from 6-7pm on
KBOOcommunity radio, 90.7fm in the Portland area.
Tillicum Wawa's mission statement is:
Tillicum Wawa connects tribal communities and those who support those communities via the KBOO airwaves with the intent to empower indigious peoples, to bridge cultures and broaden understanding in an environment of learning and collaboration.