The latest news from the Portland City Council is that they're reconsidering the Joint Terrorism Task Force with the FBI.
The JTTF, as you may recall, was ditched years ago by then-Mayor Tom Potter, when it became clear that it was little more than an effort to Federalize control of the local police. The FBI was furious at the snub and made that clear to Portland's government. Now that the FBI has pulled an obvious and obnoxious bomb scare stunt, the compliant Council is ready to back down. If you're wondering why they call it a Terror War, wonder no longer: the City Council is properly terrified, and the secret police are going to get their way. It's disgusting.
Equally disgusting, but no less expected, is the local reporting, and the reaction of the general public. In case you've been under a rock here in Cascadia, I am talking about the reaction to the news that the FBI groomed and trained a revenge bomber, and set up a dummy bomb stunt, at the traditional annual city Christmas tree lighting, on the day after Thanksgiving. They found the guy, a teenager from the Somali refugee community, evidently by snooping on his cyber communications. They set him up with handlers that looked and felt to him like real jihadists, taught him how to assemble and detonate a real bomb in the woods, and then set him up with a fake bomb, unbeknownst to him, at the tree lighting. The reporter for the Oregonian, Bryan Denson, proved to be little more than a stenographer for the secret police, and has evidently never considered the words "state propaganda," "Sears Tower entrapment," and nor certainly has he ever heard of Peg Millet.
So we have the phenomenon of people saying things like "it's a good thing they caught him," "it's a good thing he was a stupid one, pray we don't get a smart one," and "thank God the FBI is on the watch for terrorists." In other words, the FBI propaganda stunt worked beautifully in the carefully plowed and weeded fields of the minds of the American public. It's quiet there, and the crows have been driven off.
Fortunately there are people who pay attention. Anti-false-flag activist Eric May had warned of a pending stunt in Portland a few days prior to the event, and Dan Handelman of Portland Copwatch had this to say in part of his email:
--If the FBI gave the suspect a fake explosive he "thought" he detonated before, why'd they let him get all the way to the Square? Why not just arrest him then?
What if he were actually dangerous and had a back up plan? Well, it's probably because he wasn't dangerous and they gave him all the "explosives."
--The repeated phrase here is "the threat was real," but it sounds as if this guy was too naive to know what an explosive is or does, and so it was perhaps as real as a child's fantasy on a playground except the FBI packed a van full of fake explosives."
Knowing this, what is the real threat-- angry teenagers who don't know how to assemble bombs, or the FBI? Mohammed Osman Mohamud, who I'll just call "Ozzie," for the purposes of this rant, had to mail bomb parts off to his FBI trainers, because he certainly didn't know what he was doing. But the pertinent question is what made him so angry that he would think about killing US citizens en masse. What set him off: the detention without habeas corpus in Guantanamo, the torture at Abu Ghraib, the invasion of Afghanistan, the rape of Fallujah? Has he seen that photograph with the young man laying face-down, shot dead in his own native streets, with the little pink taffeta bundle on top of him, that was his toddler niece or daughter, who came running to help him when the Americans shot him dead, only to be shot dead herself, her exploded heart decorating his still-warm body? Do you think maybe that angered him some? Did the permanent occupation of Iraq set him off, or is it all those photographs of horribly mutated infants that our radioactive uranium bullets caused there?
We don't have to guess--his cellphone recordings have been released. He said, "You know what the whole West thing is? They want to insult our religion. They want to take our lands. They want to rape our women while we're bowing down to them. This is what they want. This country and Europe and all those countries, that's all they want." Gee, I wonder why he said that. (By the way, have you ever thought about the fact that every sound you utter on a cell phone is automatically recorded?)
It's pertinent to ask what angered Ozzie, because unlike the Buddhist-influenced Vietnamese, the populations we Americans are now oppressing have a the occasional minority culture of extended revenge. It occurs to me that one way to make things safer would be to act in a moral and rational fashion, which would exclude any further prosecution of the War on Terror. We could withdraw all troops, and begin negotiations with a third party for reparations. But of course there is no "we" in this war. It is an imposition of the ruling class, the corporate elite, and our opinions are not welcome in this oligarchy.
We're being sent messages. Every one of these setups, these handled and stage-managed plots, from the Sears Tower F-troops to the Fruit of the Boom airplane bomber to the Turkey Plot, is a message. And since the powerful and unapproachable FBI is sending us messages, we should pay attention. We can't afford not to.
By the way, you don't make broad and violent message gestures to your friends--you do that to your enemies, because you can just talk to your friends if you want something. But we are the enemies-- we, the people, are the enemies of the American secret police and you'd best believe it. So the question is, what is the whole of the message? These are dangerous people and we'd best pay attention.
The first message, for the whole world, is: you can be prosecuted for what you think. Sure, it takes wildly elaborate, carefully researched, psychologically sophisticated measures to bring what you think into action, but we'll trick you, and get you. Peg Millet, who served time for an FBI eco-sabotage sting, says "The FBI agent is the one who can get you the explosives."
The second message, for the American people, is: be afraid, and trust us (the FBI) to save you.
The third message, directed to the too-liberal-to-live Portland counterculture, is: Support the war on terror, or suffer the consequences. You think you're so cute and brave and moral, Little Beirut, well, we could have blasted you to little Thanksgiving leftover bloody bits. And don't think we're leaving town.
The fourth message, directed to Portland City government, is: Don't you ever dare oppose the FBI again. You will pay.
The fifth message is: hate and fear Muslims. Some people refused to accept that message, however--this from KVAL in Corvallis: