LIVE WEBCAST: 62 year anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba


Collaborative broadcast on the anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba

KBOO contributed to this broadcast by sister station CKUT in Montreal:

For a stereo Ogg Vorbis stream (Quality 6):

For a 64kbps Mp3 stream:

For accessing the archive, just go here:
And put in the date and time (see final runsheet below).

Remember what happened in 1948?

Tune-in for Radio Free Palestine 2010 or 90.3fm (Montreal)
7am-2pm & 5-6pm on Thursday, May 13th

Radio Free Palestine is presented by the IMEMC (in Beit Sahour) and CKUT
Radio (in Montreal) in commemoration of the 62nd anniversary of the
Palestinian Nakba or catastrophe, marked this year on May 15th, 2010.

In 1948, eighty-five percent of the Palestinians living in the areas that
became the state of Israel became refugees. More than 500 Palestinian
villages were depopulated and later destroyed to prevent the return of the
refugees. Today there are a total of 7 million Palestinian refugees,
dispersed throughout the world - the largest and longest running refugee
problem yet unresolved.

62-years later, Israel continues to occupy and colonize Palestinian land
through the construction of Jewish only settlements and the Wall in the
West Bank. The Gaza Strip has been turned into one large prison. Israel
violates international law and commits ongoing war crimes and crimes
against humanity. And Palestinians abroad are the world's oldest refugee
population, making-up more than one fourth of all refugees.

CKUT, Montreal, QC
KBOO, Portland, OR
CKDU, Halifax, NS
CFRU, Guelph, ON
CFRC, Kingston, ON
CJLY, Nelson, BC
"Radio Intifada" (KPFK/Pacifica fm radio, Los Angeles)
Blast Furnace Radio, Pittsburgh, PA


Hours 7-9h00 will be in French.

09h00 -Traditional music from Palestine

:: 10h00 One State with Ali Abunimah (58:44, KBOO, Portland, Oregon):  Ali Abunimah speaking recently in Portland on the One State Solution for the Israel-Palestine conflict, the
Boycott-Divestment-Sanctions Movement and Israeli apartheid.  He is the
founder of the website:

:: 11h00 Media bias on the Palestine-Israel issue (KBOO, Portland, Oregon, 9:58): Layla El Contonay (Comunications Director of Arab American Anti Discrimination Comittee) talks about the
different kinds of media bias she sees and talks about the unheard voices
of the Palestinian people and the discrimination against Arabs in the
American media and if that has changed.

Long documentary about kids in Palestine
(one of them in Dheisheh Refugee camp) arrested, beaten, interrogated,
tortured, and imprisoned by Israeli forces. (Nora Barrows-Friedman,
Flashpoints, KPFA, 47:06)

:: 12h00 Women's Music for Palestine, featuring: Shadia Mansour, Abeer Zinati AKA
"Sabreena da Witch," Suheir Hammad, plus lots of classical Palestinian
folk songs by women.

:: 01h00-Stephen Lendman, Palestine Chronicle, on Palestinian women under
occupation (15mins live, Samaa Elibyari, Caravan, CKUT, Montreal)

An interview with Susan Abulhawa about her
novel, Mornings In Jenin.  her book is about the generational trauma of
the Nakba and how that story threads through one family's life. We also
hear about the general situation for refugees, and what that experience of
displacement means in the larger diaspora (Nora Barrows-Friedman,
Flashpoints, KPFA 22:30)

Rafeef Ziadah Palestinian spoken word artist, her new CD “Hadeel”.

Rafeef Ziadah is a third-generation Palestinian
refugee, community organizer, and one of the most captivating spoken word
artists currently working in Toronto. She recently released a CD of her
works, "Hadeel", which also features music from other notable Toronto
musicians such as LAL and Reena Katz. Hadeel is available for purchase on
CD and MP3 at

Break for 3 hours.

:: 17h00
- Rebroadcast IMEMC report (6mins)

-Free Gaza Update

Kevin Neish, crew member, Free Gaza boats (Chris Cook,
Gorilla Radio, CFUV, Victoria, 12:52):  Earlier this month,
International Solidarity Movement member, Kevin Neish sat down with Chris
Cook on Gorilla Radio, broadcast from CFUV radio, at the University of

-'From the Wall to Halifax: conversations with Palestinians, Jews, and
Canadian solidarity activists on recent trips to Occupied Palestine'
(David Parker, CKDU, Halifax, 30mins)

Thanks to all contributors and re-broadcasters, plus to all
the shows who were pre-empted in order to air this special programming.
Special thanks to CKUT radio in Montreal and the International Middle East
Media Centre in Beit Sahour.  Please email any comments to
The archives of Radio Free Palestine with be available at, but
are also online at
