Busy Week



It was a busy week for sure.  Not only did I host the Bread and Roses show, featuring Della Rae of DonorsResource.org and Janna Mock-Lopez of Goodness Magazine, which was such a treat to pull together, but I also came back the next day to create Saturday's, An Evening of Afrotainment

I should probably take a step back as my week started on Sunday, March 8 at 11am until 7pm while in radio training with Marilynn.  She provided some good tips that I was able to apply in preparation and while on air...I love "this moment of silience was brought to you by ________" fill in the blank that I was able to use during the Friday night interviews.  When the conversation begins to flow like it did I start talking before I've completed the question in my head and I end up having a lapse or what some would call a senior moment, and I'm not a senior.  The other technique I picked up on was shortening my statements, yah right, that will take some time as I'm a bit verbose by nature.  This is one I have to work on when I'm on the Saturday night show especially when back announcing...in due time...

Little Miss Ashleigh Miller-Hayes, a 7th grader at North Portland’s Harriet Tubman Leadership Academy for Young Women, was on air for a little chat about her participation in the sixth-annual Portland Tribune/Comcast Regional Spelling Bee that was held on March 14.  She called in during An Evening of Afrotainment and she shared with us her experience during the competition and the fact that she finished 7th out of 42 participants.  WAY TO GO ASHLEIGH.

Whew, I'm tired just writing all this.  Well, now I have to shift gears and finish another blog, post on Facebook, upload my playlist and do a spotlight blog entry from Saturday's show, which will more than likely be Moacir Santos.

Keep listening, keep sending in your comments, keep calling in and giving us your feedback and most of all BECOME A MEMBER and keep your dial set to KBOO 90.7FM.

Cheers ~ Bridget B.

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