6/19 Weekly volunteer boo-lletin


KBOO Weekly Volunteer Bulletin June 19th, 2009
Issue 1
-- KBOO Events and News
-- Volunteer opportunities
-- Upcoming Trainings


Hello KBOO volunteers,

This is your fellow volunteer, Melati. Starting today, I will be sending weekly emails to all volunteers. This project is an attempt to help KBOO staff better communicate with volunteers and show hosts so please be sure to read this weekly bulletin!

Can't make it to the studio? Don't worry, just check your email for KBOO events and news and weekly and event specific volunteer opportunities. In addition, you can check the volunteer page for more information and opportunities (kboo.fm/volunteer).

Your time and energy are greatly appreciated!

KBOO Events and News

Celebrate the Summer Solstice with KBOO and Friends at "A Touch Of Portland: A Benefit for KBOO" Sunday June 21st 2009, 11am - 7pm Hosted by Harmony Farms @ 5220 NE Mason

Uniting Community with the Healing Energy of Edible Art, Soothing Soundscapes and Therapeutic Touch.

Healing arts at $10/10mins, live perfomances and DJs.

Celebrate Solstice! Celebrate KBOO!

Contact Joe Azavedo for more information or check out

Also: NoFest(

Say Cheese!

KBOO's new website is in its final stages and we want to show off all our great volunteers! We have a couple volunteer photographers that will be taking photos around the station over the next few weeks. So be sure to smile and keep an eye out for yourself on the website. If you haven't done it already, you can also upload a photo of yourself for your user profile picture. And don't forget about our Flickr photo group here: http://flickr.com/groups/775788@N20/

Join the Facebook Group for KBOO Volunteers

If you're not already part of our group on Facebook, now is a great time to join as we've now dedicated it to our volunteers!

Check it out here: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=18937824648 For everything else KBOO, we have a fan page here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/KBOO-Community-Radio/10744705766 The fan page is where we are now posting regular KBOO updates and more! Help us get to 1,000 Facebook fans!

Volunteer opportunities
Festival Volunteer Opportunities

For the NoFest (Saturday, 6/27) and the Waterfront Blues Festival (7/2-7/5), volunteers are needed to work as Remote Booth Announcers, KBooth volunteers and Air room board operators during the festival. Additionally, for the Waterfront Blues Festival, help as Field Recordists and Audio Producers would be greatly appreciated!

We need audio editors to help edit a whole bunch of recordings from the Village Building Convergence last week for an all-day VBC special on July 30th.

Call or email Jenka if interested. 503-231-8032 ext. 203 - pmnews@kboo.org


Weekly Volunteer Opportunities

DemocracyNow! broadcasting is looking for board operators 3:45-5PM weekdays. Interested Volunteers who have completed Intro to Audio and Audio Production and board operator training should contact Jenka Soderberg (503-231-8032 or pmnews@kboo.org) for more information.

The Membership department needs help with mailing, data entry, filiing, mailing packages and phone calls. No experience is necessary. Please contact Andrew Geller (membership@kboo.org) for more information. There are currently two vacancies on the Board of Directors. Those with experience in finance, fundraising, web development and marketing are encouraged to apply. Directors must volunteer at least 5 hours a week. Board of Director meetings take place on the 4th Monday of each month. Applications are available at kboo.fm/governance

Upcoming Trainings
    • Digital editing 6/23 (with Robert Barncord):6-8PM
    • PM News Orientation (with Jenka Soderberg) 6/26 10AM-Noon
    • Field Recording (with Jim Thompson) 6/29: 7-9PM
    • File server training 6/29 (with Scot Condry):7-9PM
    • Interviewing Techniques (with Jenka Soderberg) 7/3: 10AM-Noon
    • Digital editing (with Rebecca Nay) 7/7:7-9PM
More information can be found at http://kboo.fm/trainings

Sign up sheets for all trainings are next to the front desk. In consideration of other volunteers on the waitlist, please inform Ani Haines (503-231-8032 ext 213) 24 hours in advance if you know you will not make a training.

Contact Information