Making your Evergreen Show Promo



Published date: 
Tuesday, March 16, 2021 - 9:05pm


All Programs maintain an Evergreen Show Promo.

Promos (or Carts) are the short announcements that air between shows.
"Evergreen" means that there is nothing mentioned in the promo that could become outdated for airplay. (i.e. current events, dates, the weather)
An Evergreen Show Promo is basically a short advertisement to get listeners to tune into your show!

*Promos are typically 15 to 45 seconds long (45 seconds is the limit).
*Promos usually have music bedded underneath the voicing. We recommend instrumental music, to make it easier for the listeners to hear the speaker, but music with lyrics is okay.
*In general, you'll want to make sure the music doesn't overpower the voice.

Since this promo is Evergreen, you will only have to update it if any changes are made to your program that render the promo outdated/inaccurate, i.e. If a host joins/leaves the show or your show's time slot changes, you'll want your promo to reflect that.

An Evergreen Promo should include:

  • The name of your program
  • The hosts (optional)
  • The date and time of your show (i.e. "First Fridays from 10 to 11 AM")
  • Short description of the program
  • The station

You can use this template, or personalize it!

Evergreen Show Promo Script Template:
Tune into Kay Boo, every _(Date & Time)_ for _(Program Name)_
Brief Description
That's _(Program Name)_ every _(Date & Time)_,
Here, On your community radio station, Kay Bee Oh Oh Portland.

*You can include your programs URL redirect in the promo too! "More information at"
Here are some example scripts:

1.) Tune into Talking Earth, A show dedicated to showcasing our local poetry scene. Join hosts Patrick Brocarde, Barbara LaMorticella, and Walt Curtis for Talking Earth, on the 2nd and 3rd Monday of every month, from 10 to 11pm. More information can be found on Kay Bee Oh Oh dot FM.

2.) Dr. Zomb's Stereo Obscura! Off beat sounds for talented listeners. Broadcasts every other Wednesday at 10pm. [obscure noises] That's Dr. Zomb's Stereo Obscura. Every other Wednesday, from 10pm to midnight. Here, on your community radio station Kay Bee Oh Oh, Portland.

⇣ Listen to the audio below for some audible examples! ⇣​
Example 1: Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Kush
Example 2: Fortress on a Hill
Example 3: Dr. Zomb's Stereo Obscura
Example 4: Prison Pipeline
Example 5: Life During Wartime


➱ Submit your completed promo to Azia at

Audio file requirements for your promo are the same as for your show submissions:
Accepted file types: WAV, FLAC, or MP3
Final mix peak levels should be between 0 db and -1 db

