Covid 19 in Palestine and Israel


KBOO Webinar Session

Join KBOO's Webinar on Friday, May 1st at 11:00am to hear from guest speakers Dr. Osama Tanous – a pediatrician specialist based in Haifa and Richard Silverstein of the Jewish blog, Tikun Olam. and Dr. Yasser Abu Jamei, the director-general of Gaza Community Mental Health Programme. Our speakers will discuss the conditions for Palestinians inside Israel and the West Bank, the ways in which Israel has militarized its own response to Covid19 and highlight the broader implications for any nation and any minority group in the world fighting against the virus.

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If you have any questions or issues please contact Tammy:

Dr. Yasser Jamei
 a Palestinian Psychiatrist who obtained in 2012 MSc in Clinical Neuropsychiatry from the Univ. of Birmingham. In 2015 he received the award of best Alumnus achievement from the Said Foundation on his work in developing mental health sector in Gaza and the GCMHP crisis response plan after the 2014 war on Gaza. Dr Abu-Jamei is a member of the Task Force which developed the National Mental Health Strategy 2015-2019 in Palestine. Since January 2014, Dr. Yasser Abu Jamei is the director-general of Gaza Community Mental Health Programme, a leading mental health services provider in Palestine. He recently co-authored several papers seeking to integrate a public health and human rights approach into mental health in the Gazan context.

Dr. Osama Tanous is a specialized pediatrician based in Haifa, a Masters in Public Health student and a researcher for the Galilee society: The Arab National Society for Health, Research and Services. Tanous is a 2020 candidate for the Fulbright Hubert Humphrey fellowship in public health and health policies. His research interests are structural violence and health disparities. For articles written by Dr. Osama Tanous check out these links: CTJournalThe Global Research Programme on Inequality (GRIP), Al Jazeera, 972 Magazine, Jadaliyya

Richard Silverstein is a freelance journalist and political blogger who publishes the Tikun Olam blog, which is dedicated to exposing the excesses of the Israeli national security state.  He contributes to Jacobin Magazine and Middle East Eye. Click here to read Richard's recent article published in Jacobin Magazine 

Producer/Moderator: Tammy Habteyes is the Public Affairs director for KBOO Community Radio in Portland OR.