One hundred one hours of innumerable small events which may or may not be related to one another




Beginning on Wednesday, August 27 at 7:00pm and running continuously until Sunday, August 31 at midnight, KBOO will become a generator of altered states of consciousness as we do our best to shed the world of reason and rules and explore the Marvelous with a rich and wildly varied collection of material created locally, nationally and internationally over the almost 100 years since it all began.


No longer is it a matter of the narrow roads where traditional beauty is offered in its clarity and obviousness to the admiration of the crowds. The crowds were taught the victory of intelligence over the world and the submission of the forces of nature to man.

Now it is a question of seizing and admiring a new art which leaves humankind in its true condition, fragile and dependent, and which nevertheless, in the very spectacle of things ignored or silenced, opens unsuspected possibilities to the artist.

And this is the domain of the strange, the Marvelous, and the fantastic, a domain scorned by people of certain inclinations. Here is the freed image, dazzling and beautiful, with a beauty that could not be more unexpected and overwhelming. Here are the poet, the painter, and the artist, presiding over the metamorphoses and the inversions of the world under the sign of hallucination and madness ... Here at last the world of nature and things makes direct contact with the human being who is again in the fullest sense spontaneous and natural. Here at last is the true communion and the true knowledge, chance mastered and recognized, the mystery now a friend and helpful.

-- Suzanne Cesaire, 1941

Expect recordings & recreations of early Dada & Surrealist events & performances; cabarets, plays, Surrealist & Dada poetry, sound poetry, short stories, novel excerpts, dreams, manifestos & attacks, interviews with Surrealists & Dadas local to international, game shows, exquisite corpses, newscasts, bulletins, opera, jazz, free-form improv, turntable orchestra, live open mic & listener participation in studio or by phone, cable tv simulcast where audience/musicians create the soundtrack to classic Dada & Surrealist films, plus moments of audience abuse & severe disorientation.

Please check out our schedule page for the four day lineup and the background page for more about how this event came to be.  Additional information about the Festival can presently be found by clicking on this blogsite (especially on blogs #1 and #35) and you can pick up copies of the poster / schedule at the station (20 SE 8th Ave.)