Community Calendar, Thursday, April 15, 2010



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Air date: 
Thu, 04/15/2010 - 12:00am
Community Calendar, Thursday, April 15, 2010

Celebrate local "Women and the Earth" this Saturday, April 17 at the Women's Business Showcase, at McMenamins Kennedy School, located at 5736 NE 33rd in Portland from 10am-3:30pm. There will be a silent auction, with 100% of the proceeds going to Friends of Trees. This is a great place to shop for unique & local products, find a new health, see what local women in business are up to, get your palm read, get a massage, find a realtor, mortgage broker or photographer...and much more!  This is free to the public and free parking is available.  More information at (541) 806-1075
or email  

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The Rebuilding Center is looking for people connected with human power machines, such as bike power generators, solar powered ovens, and hand crank blenders for an event on June 4th to honor volunteers. They'd like to feature some of these contraptions or build one that can power music or something else.  If you or someone you know is part of the Human power revolution have built a cool tool, that they can bring to this event please call the Volunteer Coordinator 503-467-4985  or

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Do you love dogs and have some experience handling them?  Paws to Freedom is training for their co-trainer program, who assist experienced service dog trainers.  A rewarding and fun experience for those with positive dog handling experience, and make a life changing difference for people enhancing their independence!  Training takes place in various places in the greater Portland, Oregon area and will include service dog education and etiquette, dog behavior understanding, canine body language, and much more.  For details, visit the web at and click on the “volunteer” button.

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