Murrelets Reign, Climates Change, The Military's 'Olympic Games'...


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Air date: 
Tue, 07/03/2012 - 12:00am
Interview with Joe Romm on weather, climate change and mass media's inability - or refusal - to see.

Think Cascadia is immune from the weather maelstrom?  When the rest of the country has become uninhabitable the population pressure imposed by 'Climate Refugees' will tank what's left of our environment.  You never missthe forests 'til the water is gone...

Now.  As in Right Now, the Corn Belt is a desert: that's right America's "breadbasket" is empty, running on fumes - literally.  Big Ag is entirely dependent on petro by-products.  When the oil runs dry, so will the chemical fertilizertss that fuel the food flow.  The soil is literally gone already.

Read Joe Romm's piece in  American Progress.      Romm is a senior fellow at American Progress, edits Climate Progress and holds a Ph.D. in physics from MIT. He recently wrote the piece "Hell And High Water Strikes, Media Miss the Forest for the Burning Trees."  Here's the link:

And does Kitz care?  No. No the Guv does not; he'll keep on selling off our public land - our old growth forests - to private timber interests until the trees run out.  That's millions of years of glacial increments building soil structure, creating layers of ecospheres on ecospheres, the co-evolution of the forest's attendanyt creatures..,.,all of it gone with one fell cut. 

"I do not love theee, Dr. Fell.

The reason why, I cannot tell,

But this I know and know full well,

I do not love htee Dr. Fell.

Strange but true:  Oregon officials have suspended timber sales on hundreds of acres amid a legal battle with conservation groups over the threatened marbled murrelet.   The deferrals, which include suspending planned timber bids and halting logging, apply to areas in Tillamook, Clatsop and Elliott state forests that are used by the threatened seabird. All the lawsuits paid off but that only happened because of the high profile protests and demonstrations that highlighted public displeaseure with logging our old growth forests to the ground.

-- three sites in Tillamook and Elliott state forests that were due to go up for bid in June

 -- three sites in Elliott State Forest that have already been put out to bid but haven't been harvested yet

 -- two sites -- one in Clatsop State Forest and one in Elliott State Forest -- where logging operations have begun

 -- two sites in Elliott State Forest that were due to go up for bid in the next few months

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