Locus Focus


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Every Monday from 10:00am to 11:00am.


A weekly conversation about our place on the planet. Locus Focus host Barbara Bernstein talks with local, regional and national experts, activists and policy makers about climate change, food policy, land use, salmon restoration, forest management and all the other things that matter in our environment.

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The Cost of Free Land

Airs at: Mon, 09/16/2024 at 10:00am - 11:00am
Produced for Locus Focus
The American strategy to exterminate the indigenous people who lived on this continent before the European settlement was many pronged. One of its elements was to entice immigrants from Eastern Europe to come to America with the offer of receiving free land to farm. This of... Read more

Fire on the Island

Airs at: Mon, 09/09/2024 at 10:00am - 11:00am
Produced for Locus Focus
On July 20, a dark plume of smoke rose from the center of Ross Island, a much abused island in the Willamette River south of downtown Portland. Ash and smoke blew into the adjoining neighborhoods and the fire burned for several hours. Neighbors stood along the bluff above t... Read more

Petroleum 238

Airs at: Mon, 09/02/2024 at 10:00am - 11:00am
Produced for Locus Focus
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A little known fact about oil and gas drilling is that a lot more comes up from the depths of the earth than just oil or gas. Much of this waste is toxic and radioactive. And the fracking boom has only worsened the problem. On this episode of Locus Focus we talk with Justin... Read more

Killing Salmon to Lose Money

Airs at: Mon, 08/26/2024 at 10:00am - 11:00am
Produced for Locus Focus
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  This program aired originally on May 6, 2024   The Willamette River Basin once supported tremendous salmon runs. Today, less than 10,000 wild Chinook salmon return each year to the Upper Willamette River basin, approximately a 97% reduction of the historic estimates. An... Read more

The Mountain Valley Pipeline

Airs at: Mon, 08/19/2024 at 10:00am - 11:00am
Produced for Locus Focus
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  This program aired originally on June 10, 2024   According to the fossil fuel industry, the Mountain Valley Pipeline is recognized as a critical infrastructure project, essential for our nation’s energy security and energy reliability. But for communities from West Vir... Read more

Gaslight: The Fight to Stop the Atlantic Coast PIpeline

Airs at: Mon, 08/12/2024 at 10:00am - 11:00am
Produced for Locus Focus
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  This program originally aired on May 27, 2024.   While Oregonians were fighting to stop the behemoth Pacific Connector Gas Pipeline and Jordan Cove LNG Terminal in Southern Oregon, communities in Virginia were facing a similar struggle to stop an even larger and longer ... Read more

Dangerous Pipedreams

Airs at: Mon, 08/05/2024 at 10:00am - 11:00am
Produced for Locus Focus
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  This program originally aired on May 13, 2024   We are at the precipice of a climate emergency. If we do not seriously begin to cut our carbon emissions now we will be entering an uncharted territory of climate chaos. But instead of accelerating the adoption of verified... Read more

Northwest Forest Update

Airs at: Mon, 07/29/2024 at 10:00am - 11:00am
Produced for Locus Focus
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There's a lot happening in our forests in the Northwest, even while our attention may be focused elsewhere (like on the upcoming elections). But now is a good time to check in with Alex Budd, Alliance Organizer with Pacific Northwest Forest Climate Alliance, about issues we... Read more

The Great River: The Making & Unmaking of the Mississippi

Airs at: Mon, 07/22/2024 at 10:00am - 11:00am
Produced for Locus Focus
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For thousands of years Native peoples made their homes in the Mississippi watershed, that spans nearly half of what is now the United States. They respected the “great river” and lived peaceably alongside it. But when European settlers arrived they upended Native lives and ... Read more

A Heatwave Evening with Bill McKibben

Airs at: Mon, 07/15/2024 at 10:00am - 11:00am
Produced for Locus Focus
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At the start of Portland’s first heatwave this summer at the end of a traumatic week for our nation, longtime climate activist and journalist Bill McKibben came to Portland to speak at a gathering sponsored by the Third Act Oregon. In 2008 McKibben co-founded, which... Read more