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Air date:
Mon, 07/07/2014 - 12:00am
Interview with Arun Gupta interrogating the $15 minimum wage in Seattle, its origins & implications.
Bill Resnick talks with Arun Gupta about how the $15 minimum wage ordinance that was recently passed by the City Council in Seattle came to be. Arun points out how people are agitated by the bank-bailouts, the role played by Socialist Alternative and Kshama Sawant's election to the City Council, the contentiousness about and limitations to the final ordinance. They also consider what kind of organizing is or is not behind getting the ordinance passed. In this vein, they talk about "militant shopfloor organizing" vs. electoral organizing, the role played by independent media, weilding control at the "point of production, and the problem of finding solidarity as "all that is solid melts into air."
Arun Gupta is a labor and political journalist. He co-founded the Indypendent, the Occupied Wall Street Journal, and writes for publications including In These Times, The Guardian, The Progressive, and Al Jazeera America.
Arun Gupta is a labor and political journalist. He co-founded the Indypendent, the Occupied Wall Street Journal, and writes for publications including In These Times, The Guardian, The Progressive, and Al Jazeera America.