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  1. Nexus Nichols talks about Gangaji and the upcoming Weekend with Gangaji in Portland.

    Nexus Nichols talks about Gangaji and the upcoming Weekend with Gangaji in Portland. Nexus Nichols talks very personally about her experiences with Gangaji and the upcoming event with Gangaji in Portland, September 27th & 28th. ...

  2. Hillary Larson, Portland Regional Coordinator for the Gangaji Foundation talks about Gangaji's Portland Open Meeting

    Hillary Larson, Portland Regional Coordinator for the Gangaji Foundation talks about Gangaji Hillary Larson hosts and produces a monthly radio program ...

  3. Interview with Hillary Larson About Gangaji

    Interview with Hillary Larson about Gangaji and her Open Meeeting in Portland on April 28th, 2012 Host ... interviews Hillary Larson, Regional Coordinator for the Gangaji Foundation about Gangaji and her upcoming Open Meeting In Portland on April 28th, 2012 at the ...

  4. Speaking with Gangaji about Acceptance, Truth, Prayer and Fulfillment

    Host Sutree speaks with Gangaji about Acceptance, Truth, Prayer and Fulfillment I had a truly wonderful opportunity to sit with Gangaji and ask her the questions I have been pondering for my evolution. I ... and the fulfillment that comes through inquiry.   Gangaji travels the world speaking to seekers from all walks of life. A teacher ...

  5. Lisa Schumacher talks about Gangaji, Eli Jaxon-Bear, integrity, love, awakening, happiness & being true to yourself

    Lisa Schumacher talks about Gangaji, Eli Jaxon-Bear, integrity, love, awakening, happiness & truth ... has an engaging conversation with Lisa Schumacher about Gangaji, Eli Jaxon-Bear, integrity, love, awakening, discovering happiness and ... yourself.   Lisa has through her 20 years of study with Gangaji and Eli Jaxon-Bear, gained a unique insight into what it takes to be ...

  6. Gangaji


    My first interview with Hillary Larson about Gangaji I'm very excited to announce the start of my new podcast ... interview with Hillary Larson, Regional Coordinator for the Gangaji Foundation about Gangaji and her upcoming Open Meeting In Portland on ...

  8. Between the Covers for 11/17/2011

    Spiritual teacher Gangaji on her new book "Hidden Treasure" Host Jim Schumock speaks with spiritual teacher Gangaji about her new book " Hidden Treasure: Uncovering the Truth in Your Life Story." Gangaji, who was born Antoinette (Toni) Roberson Varner, was given the name ...

  9. Hidden Treasure: Uncovering the Truth in Your Life Story

    Author Gangaji speaks with host Paul O'Brien about her book, Hidden Treasure Today on Pathways we are visiting with Gangaji (formerly Antoinette Varner), author of Hidden Treasure: Uncovering the Truth in Your Life Story . Gangaji travels the world speaking to spiritual seekers from all walks of life. ...

  10. wroteHidden Treasure-UncoveringTheTruthInYourLifeS

    ... Treasures From The KBOO Archives Hosted by:  Gangaji ...