2015 Artist in Residence Applications Available


Apply for KBOO Community Radio Artist In Residence Program for 2015
The KBOO Community Radio Artist In Residence Program assists artists working creatively with sound. Every year, one artist or one collaborative group of artists will be awarded twenty hours of studio recording and production time with a KBOO Mixologist in order to create a piece of sound art that will be be publically presented at the end of the Residency.

The Artist in Residence Program is open to artists of all disciplines whose project proposals include sound as a major component.

The goals of the KBOO Artist Support Program are to support and invest in individuals who are pushing themselves artistically using sound, whose work will impact the cultural landscape of Portland, and to bring those artists into the dynamic KBOO community of local, national, and international artists and activists.
Artist in Residence Program Eligibility
The KBOO Artists in Residence program is open to non-student artists residing in the the Portland Metro Area of any age, discipline, or background.

Current KBOO Community Radio staff, interns, board members, or their immediate family may not apply. Artists who have previously participated in the Artist Support Program must wait 2 years before being eligible to apply again.
Artist in Residence Program Selection Criteria
Panelists will base their selections upon artistic need for resources and support,  the artistic merit of the proposed project; the feasibility of the proposed project; the quality of the work represented in the work samples provided by the applicant; the readiness to engage with the KBOO Community; and the response of the panelists to the applicant’s proposal/work in comparison to the other submissions received.

Artist in Residence Program Selection Process
KBOO Staff Member will review proposals to determine eligibility and clarity of application

A three person panel will review and rate proposals according to review criteria. Panels will be made up of a cross section of KBOO Volunteers and members of the arts community who have experience with KBOO or are sound artists of some kind. Panel reviews will not be open to the public.

Artist in Residence Program Timeline

Deadline for Applications: February 13, 2015 5pm
All applicants will be notified in writing by May 8, 2015  5pm
Meet and Greet with 2015 AIR - June, 2015
AIR Term June - Sept 2015
Public Performance of work created during KBOO AIR Oct, 2015
Final report due Nov 6, 2015 5pm

Terms of Residence


-create a piece of sound art that can stand alone on the KBOO website and be performed at a public event
-create the art in a 4 month period
-help promote KBOO AIR
-post to the KBOO website and the AIR facebook page during residency
-comply with the general kboo volunteer rules
-acknowledge support of kboo in all printed materials that incorporate this sound art. KBOO logos will be provided.
-take the lead on setting up the public event
-finish and return the AIR evaluation by Nov 6, 2015

KBOO will

-provide 20 hours studio time
-provide 20 hours mixologist time
-provide staff support
-include an artist interview on the ai, and facilitate other KBOO promotional opportunities
-help the artist set up public event

Send applications to:
KBOO Artist in Residence 2015
c/o Erin Yanke
Box C
KBOO Radio
20 SE 8th Ave
Portland OR 97214


Artist in Residence Program Application  Materials

KBOO Artist in Residence Application
Resume or CV
Work samples

Please email or mail the KBOO Artist in Residence Application (please limit your answers to 4 pages),  a Resume or CV (no more than 2 pages),  3 References (include name, email address, phone number), and up to 3 work samples, with descriptions. We are looking for work that is most similar to your proposal. Work samples will be reviewed for a maximum of 8 minutes total - for all samples collectively, not per sample. Samples will be accepted via CD, email, or Dropbox at program@kboo.org.

KBOO Artist in Residence Application

Applicant Name
Applicant Address
Phone Number

What do you hope to accomplish as a KBOO Artist in Residence? Why do you believe the residency will be of benefit?

What does your art practice entail? What is your artistic process? What is your regular work environment?

What would you like to do as a KBOO Artist in Residence? Describe your proposed project.
If this is a collective project, tell us about your collaborators.

What is your target audience for this project?  Who do you intend or hope to engage? Who is this project for? Why?   

What other support (grants, resources)  will you have at the time of the AIR to create art?

Provide a preliminary, draft timeline for your project, to take place between June and September, 2015.

What do you plan on doing with the finished piece of sound art?

What is your relationship with KBOO?

What else do you want us to know about you, your project, or your proposal?