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young white men with guns

There have been so many of these incidents that it's useful to have timelines and maps just to keep track of these things. We can certainly see the ironies of the situation. Juan Cole reminds us to consider not just the children killed in Connecticut last week, but also th... Read more

an open letter to STEVIE WONDER

i read a portion of this on the show; here is the full version. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i come to you with love, albeit with a heavy heart.  i am addressing this open letter to you in a mode of r... Read more

Information from Tillicum Wawa 12/13/12

Seems like the more we talk about one issue, the more connections we see to other issues....tonight we talked about the Canadian government's plans to repeal the treaty rights of first nations, proposals to barge coal down the Columbia river, and some basic disaster prepare... Read more

new entries in KBOO library 12/13/2012

ARTIST    TITLE    LABEL    GENRE Moreno & l'Orch. First Moja-One    Sister Pili + 2    Stern's Africa    Africa [contemporary] Collins, Jay    Rivers, Blues and other People    Sundown Recordings    Blues Guy, Buddy    Live at Legends    RCA    Blues Hovey, Erick    Blues F... Read more


HEARING FOR COAL TRAINS THROUGH COLUMBIA GORGE AND SOUTHWEST WASHINGTON--Peabody and SSAMarine’s Gateway Pacific (Bellingham) proposal: 54 million tons of coal per year. Wednesday, December 12th, Rally at 3pm, Hearing 4-7 pm; Clark College Gaiser Student Center, 1933 Fort V... Read more

An independent voice for 45 years

Donate Now! December 2012 2013 marks the 45th anniversary of KBOO Community Radio going on the air. Since 1968, KBOO has brought you news, information and music you won’t hear anywhere else on the radio dial. Thanks to you, KBOO is still broadcasting and continues to... Read more