Los Angeles teachers' hunger strike against layoffs; Mining communities in Colombia and Kentucky


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Air date: 
Sun, 07/12/2009 - 5:00pm

Dolores Huerta and Sean Leys 6/12/09Sean Leys, Los Angeles public school teacher and AFT member, found the support of his dry cleaner and even the rival school's debate team when he participated in a 24-day hunger strike against 6,000 teacher layoffs he said would violate students' civil rights.  Now he and fellow teachers are organizing a radical volunteer summer school.  For more, see LA Hungry 4 Ed.

Aviva Chomsky traveled with other activists from Massachusetts to Colombia to meet with the coal miners who supply their local power plant.  The delegation also visited with mining communities in Kentucky.  Chomsky is a professor of History and Latin American Studies at Salem State College in Massachusetts, author of Linked Labor Histories: New England, Columbia, and the Making of a Global Working Class, and a founder of North Shore Colombia Solidarity Committee.  For more: Read a much longer interview wtih Prof. Chomsky at Upside Down World, and see Kentuckians for the Commonwealth and Witness for Peace.

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